Bill Britton: “President Trump’s Lost Opportunity.”

THIS PAST WEEKEND IN CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA BOTH SAW THE PRESIDENCY AND THE NATION DIMINISHED BY EVENTS. The perpetrators of violence in that city have been variously called “right-wing extremists,” members of the “alt-right,” or “neo-Nazis.” Whatever name you might choose, these groups are anti-American. The irony, of course, is that one of their slogans is, “Take America … Continue reading Bill Britton: “President Trump’s Lost Opportunity.”

Bill Britton*: A Troubled Presidency

As some readers know, I never felt that Donald Trump met the standards of moral integrity and decency that Americans should look for in a candidate for the highest secular office in the world. Mr. Trump was elected president for, among other reasons, his business acumen and managerial skills that many voters felt would be … Continue reading Bill Britton*: A Troubled Presidency