1619 Resources: Exploring Enslavement and Resistance.

Happy Juneteenth, educators! Today we are commemorating the end of slavery in the U.S., and also emphasizing the importance of continued education on the lasting legacy enslavement and Black resistance have had on the country we know today. We hope you and your students are able to celebrate today and continue teaching and learning Black … Continue reading 1619 Resources: Exploring Enslavement and Resistance.

Bill Britton: Bigotry and Me.

[Bill Britton is a freelance writer and formerly an editor for John Hopkins University Press, ABI Research, and Elsevier Science.  He is a frequent contributor to Vero Communiqué, though his views do not reflect the position of Vero Communiqué. Vero Communiqué encourages a free and open exchange of ideas by welcoming reader’s editorial submissions.] I … Continue reading Bill Britton: Bigotry and Me.